About Me

As a chemical analyst, I can perform conventional, instrumental, and microbiological analyses. I have graduated at the top of my class with 10 qualified competencies in 2023. I have internship experience performing methods verification, sample preparation, and analysis. My first working experience was as a chemical analyst in a service laboratory performing sample preparation, analysis, and data processing of many sample matrices for Protein and Nitrogen content.

Take a look at my CV.


Junior High School

SMPN 8 Bogor

(2016 - 2019)

Vocational High School


(2019 - 2023)

Chemical Analysis - Competencies

I studied chemical analysis in SMK SMAK Bogor, one of the best vocational schools for chemical analyst in Indonesia. Here are some competencies I have earned proven by a certificate of competencies from LSP-P1 SMAKBO (expired in 2026).

  • Gravimetric Analysis
  • Volumetric Analysis
  • Microbiological Analysis
  • Electrochemistry Analysis
  • Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS) Analysis
  • Spectrophotometry UV-Vis Analysis
  • Proximate Analysis
  • Gas Chromatograpy (GC) Analysis
  • HPLC Analysis
  • Sampling
  • Other - Competencies

    I have several other competencies in different fields to support my career.

  • Office Softwares (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
  • Digital and Traditional Drawing
  • Basic Image and Video Editing
  • Coding (Basic HTML and CSS)
  • English - Language Skills
  • More...
  • Internship Experience

    Working as laboratory analyst for 4 months at PT Analitika Kalibrasi Laboratorium (Jan-Apr 2023).

  • Perform environmental parameters analysis to sea water, surface water, and wastewater, sediment, and tissue samples.
  • Perform verification to SNI methods.
  • Perform sample preparation for metal analysis using ICP and Mercury Analyzer.
  • Working Experience

    Working as a chemical analyst in proximate laboratory at PT Saraswanti Indo Genetech Bogor (since June 2023).

  • Perform Protein, Nitrogen, Ammonium, Ammonia, Dissolved Protein, and Free Nitrogen in many sample matrices (Preparation - Data Processing).
  • Perform qualitative analysis for Borax, Methanil Yellow, and Rhodamin B.
  • Perform analysis of ±100 samples every day.
  • Perform analysis of several parameters as a team or individual.
  • Experiences and Achievements

    Here are some of my certificates from events or achievements during my studies.

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